kathy elkwoman whitman

Kathy Whitman-Elk Woman (Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara)

Santa Fe Indian Market Booth: 742 LIN-E

Kathy, whose Indian name is Elk Woman, first began as a painter. She was surrounded by sculptors at enough art shows to think "I could do that, too!" And when she tried, she found her artistic home.

She has shown that unyielding stone can be manipulated into tender, sensitive faces full of emotion, and complex compositions that combine human and animal forms.

As a traditional Mandan, Arikara, Hidatsa, she gravitates toward horses, bears and wolves. As a mother of five, and a grandmother, she excels at portraying babies, children and old people, who seem about to breathe, and overflow with loving emotions. She is one of the pre-eminent sculptors in stone, today, and a fine jeweler as well.

Santa Fe Indian Market awarded her blue ribbons in four categories, recently: sculpture, painting, jewelry and clothing! Lately, she has been working on jewelry as much as on sculpture, and Wright's is delighted to have a good selection of those pieces, too. (from Wright's Indian Art,


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